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Illustration distance

Course start: continuous application
Application ends: continuous application
Course length: 6 course letters

Illustration Distance

Forsbergs distance learning course in illustration is for those who want to develop their talent and create a portfolio. The exercises challenge you to establish your own way towards professional illustration. The course provides a broad range of assignment, that match the common tasks and challenges a professional illustrator may encounter, and therefore give unique insights into the creative industries. The course is well suited for both seasoned and aspiring illustrators.


Continuous application

Course facts

The course includes a total of 6 course letters. Each letter contains information, examples, tips and advice to inspire you, as well as tasks to be solved. Each task has a different degree of difficulty. The letter will be sent via e-mail. Estimated work time is about 8-12 hours per letter and we recommend you to hand in the letter within two weeks. Your teacher will assess and return your assignments along with personal comments, no traditional grading is provided. When the course is finished you will receive a personal portfolio review and a diploma.


Colour and form, picture composition, illustration and sketching techniques, book cover, graphic identity, editorial illustration.


There are no formal requirements to be admitted to the course, the number of participants is however limited. Admission is based on the order of the applications.

Tuition fee

The tuition fee for the course is 10.500 SEK (incl: VAT, 8.400 SEK excl: VAT)
Once accepted you must confirm your place by paying a registration fee of 1.000 SEK. The registration fee is later deducted from the total fee, that is to be paid before the course starts. The fee does not include costs of materials. This course does not qualify you for Swedish financial aid for studies (CSN).


All students receive a diploma after passing the course.

Apply here
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