Here is some of the sounds i created from my own recordings or modulated by synthesis or layering. It a widespread variety of sounds to show my broad knowledge experience to record and use sounds in my work. After years of interest of recording its hard to choose from such a vast library. As the interest for VO i also comment some sounds in this video. Please use headphones for best experience.
This showreel contains 4 games i have been a part of during my education the last year and a half.
A NIGHT TO DISMEMBER – All audio implementation and music is made by me in Unity.
In this showreel i have on my spare time outside my studies created some voices. All voices are recorded by me and my voice. With the voices i started from scratch and just played around with the knowledge i had to try and get some characters out of my voice.
I created this explosion and environment with inspiration from the original video just to use in my portfolio. This explosion should have taken place approx 2,05 km away since the speed of sound is 343m/s at 20degrees celsius but its more likely hotter in this desert making this range a little further away. I layered 4 several explosion sounds with different characters and made sure its realistic and the tail of the sound rings out correctly.