Niu - The Ghosthunter:
This project was created to practice character design and character modeling. I also wanted to use this opportunity to try Unreal Engine 5 for the first time.
Niu is a clever inventor at the age of 14. She was always known to be a weird one; an outcast. Niu comes from a family of inventors, which uses ghosts as an energy source.
With the guns that she built, Niu hunts down ghosts and collects their energy to use them for new creations.
WIP Sea of Thieves Fanart - Starwatch Weaponset:
I wanted to create a weaponset which could fit into the game ”Sea of Thieves” that was inspired by the beautiful night sky in the game that you experience while sailing across the ocean.
Otter-Giraffe Diorama:
This Character design was made for a student project at the Forsberskola in the course Gameart. The task was to create a creature out of two existing animals and put them in an environment in an game engine.
Rat Queen:
3D model of a character design by yf H that I’ve done along side my game art studies to practice stylized characters.